What is a promising raw food diet?

Raw food diet for beginners

A raw food diet is a nutritional approach in which you may eat only natural, unprocessed, heat-treated foods. It has become popular everywhere, taking over far-flung places on our planet. But not everyone believes that it is a complete diet. Many people think that raw food is monotonous and bland. The diet includes vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs and herbs, and no spices or salt. They nourish the body by providing the necessary minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

raw food diet
raw food diet

Despite its popularity, some people are discouraged by the lack of dietary variety. There is also a perception that people who follow raw food diet are constantly hungry and uncomfortable because of the small number of carbohydrates. It is not the case. A properly designed menu will bring undoubted benefits to the body.

Raw food diet schedule

You need to eat at least four meals a day. It will balance the metabolism and help redistribute energy enough for the whole day. And it will help you not to feel hungry. It is essential because constant discomfort has never been suitable for anyone. In addition, it increases the likelihood of a “breakdown. And the person will not just walk away from the diet but is likely to consume something containing fast carbohydrates. In contrast to ordinary people, raw food diet people can eat all day almost non-stop, but one fruit or vegetable at a time. Or you can divide your diet into four main meals and small snacks.

Do not drink water with food

In addition to the fact that fruits and vegetables consist of a lot of water, it is silly and tasteless to wash them down. In addition, it is best to drink plain water, occasionally mineral water, depending on personal indications. Water during a meal, getting into the stomach, creates heaviness, a false feeling of satiation, which is quickly replaced by a natural sense of hunger.

Raw food diet – essential foods nutrition

Nuts are an essential part of the raw food diet. They are rich in proteins, macro and micronutrients, carbohydrates, and other vital substances. But they can only be eaten raw. Often in stores, especially in packages, they are already fried and have undergone heat treatment. It means that they are not suitable for natural eaters. You may eat nuts as a snack. They are a staple ingredient in many weight-loss diets. Or as a separate meal for breakfast or lunch.

The next most important and necessary for human health are beans. And all legumes. It also includes all cereals. However, following the primary commandment, it is impossible to cook grains or, for example, beans. Therefore, they are sprouted. Sprouted oats have more nutrients than just raw or cooked oats. There is a lot of protein in them – the building material for the whole body, without which it is impossible to exist, grow, and function normally. Sprouted wheat, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, and peas go into the diet of devotees every day. They are eaten as a simple dish or added to a salad with greens and tomatoes.

how to start raw food diet
how to start raw food diet

Buckwheat is worth mentioning separately. In its natural, raw form, it has a green color. It turns brown because they roast it at the factory. Raw buckwheat has much more iron, which is prophylactic for anemia (low iron levels in the blood). Anemia is a common disease that accompanies raw eating the wrong diet. You must pour it into the water to prepare green buckwheat. In an hour, it will swell, and be ready to eat.

Sunflower seeds in their raw form have a sweet taste. They are rich in minerals, oils, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Despite the lack of meat in the diet, it helps maintains muscle mass in the body. Pumpkin, flax, sesame – you can also eat the seeds of these plants.

More than eighty percent of the raw food diet consists of fruits and vegetables. There are no restrictions on eating them except for unique, individual indications. Seasonal ones are considered healthy and environmentally friendly because the appropriate climatic conditions allow the plants to grow independently. All varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions are the most nutritious vegetables.

This list also includes garlic, but you should dose the amount of it. It is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems and diseases. Citrus fruits are a source of potassium and vitamin C, which help keep your immune system toned down. Raw foods are the preferred varieties of apples — also watermelon, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and currants. Avocados are a source of lots of carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. They are added to salads or eaten as an appetizer.

benefits of raw food diet
benefits of raw food diet

Mushrooms are also on the menu, but only fresh ones. However, it is necessary to study the appropriate literature carefully, as not all mushrooms are safe in their unprocessed form. Popular and safe ones are mushrooms and oyster mushrooms.

Dried fruits are used as a dessert. Adults and children like dried apricots, apricots, and apricots. Mainly for its sweet and, at the same time, sour taste. It is also full of vitamins and trace elements necessary for human health and beauty. Prunes are repulsive in their appearance but usefulness, even ahead of apricots. It is also rich in a variety of B vitamins.

Use olive, linseed, or vegetable oil as a salad dressing. They are rich in acids, fats, and vitamins and are suitable for skin and hair. But use only unrefined, cold-pressed oil.


  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/raw-food-diet
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_foodism
  3. https://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/raw-foods-diet
  4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7381
  5. https://www.verywellfit.com/food-to-eat-on-the-raw-food-diet-89921
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Julia Lange

The food industry has poorly educated people about nutrition: it is still tough to find healthy foods that taste good. Foods that make you feel good now do not make you healthy in the long run. A wise eater knows how to find the right balance between good for you and good for the world.

That's because the food industry is built on profits, not health. You wouldn't need a dietitian to tell you what to eat if they did. You would know yourself and your body well enough to figure out what made you feel good and what made you sick.

However, a revolution in dietetics has taken hold in recent years, based on a scientific understanding of nutritional science and evidence-based nutrition. In other words, it's based on research, not marketing. By taking just a dozen ingredients and matching them to your body's needs, you can achieve perfect nutrition:
- No more illness.
- No more cravings for unhealthy foods.
- No more self-indulgent eating binges that spoil everything.

If that revolution had been around when most people were growing up, our food choices would have been different from what they are now. That revolution is based on understanding why we get sick and what makes us feel good. If you want to eat well, you need to ask yourself these questions: Why do I get sick? What makes me feel good? What are the effects of eating this food on my body, health, and the world around me?