How to lose weight effectively after 50

Are you already 50 years old, and it seems that it would be challenging, even impossible, to lose weight at this age? Do not give up! However, age is not essential, although the metabolism of older people is not as fast as that of 20-year-olds.

How you can lose weight after 50
How you can lose weight after 50

Learn how to lose weight effectively after 50

Eating habits that are hard to change, a slow metabolism, abnormal hormones, and past ineffective diets make it very difficult to shed unwanted pounds after age 50. Check out these eight tips to help you get rid of excess fat wisely. It would be best to approach the topic wisely – no grueling diets.

Approach with caution

Contrary to appearances, it is not as difficult to lose weight after 50 as it may seem. It is enough to go on a fairly strict diet, use it for a few weeks (in the worst case – months), and then – the problem is gone. Unfortunately, this approach often ends up with the hated yo-yo effect.

To succeed, you must change your mindset. This time, approach the subject wisely – give up a diet that is hard to maintain, that you can and will tolerate, but after it is over (or during), you will start eating because your body will demand energy.

How to lose weight after 50
How to lose weight after 50

This time, think about changing your lifestyle – changing your eating habits and introducing physical activity. A balanced, healthy diet and sports (even regular but systematic walks) should become your daily life. Believe, however, that it has nothing to do with a sacrifice at all.

Drink plenty of water

Water is called life for a reason. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can make a real difference in your life. By hydrating your body, you speed up your metabolism, suppress hunger, and cleanse your body of toxins. You will see the effects very quickly. It works. Don’t you like the taste of water? Add citrus slices and a sprig of basil or other herbs to a glass or pitcher. It will dramatically change the flavor.

Bet on vegetables

Your food should consist mainly of vegetables. Don’t you like them? You are sure to find something for yourself at the vegetable store. Focus primarily on seasonal vegetables – they have the most nutritional value and are the most delicious. Delicious salads, stews, veggie burgers, cream soups, diet cakes (like those with zucchini or carrots), slices of your favorite vegetables, vegetable sticks to snack on with your favorite sauce, etc. There are many options.

How a man can lose weight after 50
How a man can lose weight after 50

Don’t buy sweets and sugary drinks

An easy way to avoid heavily processed unhealthy snacks is not to buy them. Just don’t stockpile such foods in your home. If you don’t have them on hand, you probably won’t even think about eating them. The same goes for sugary drinks-no cola or concentrated juices.

Do you like sweet snacks and drinks? Add water, herbal teas, and perhaps smoothies and squeezed juices (the latter two as snacks). You’ll save a lot of calories. Choose fruits, especially those with low sugar content – citrus fruits, apples, watermelon, etc. Eat them raw, such as in the form of salads.

Move on

Simple, but how real and vital. Physical activity is not decisive in the weight loss process, but it helps a lot to lose weight. It also shapes your body and makes you happy. When you engage in physical activity, your body produces endorphins, happiness hormones. Please take advantage of them and enjoy life.

How a woman can lose weight after 50
How a woman can lose weight after 50

Don’t you like sports?

You can choose from a variety of physical activities. Remember, it’s not about running 10 kilometers a day and sweating it out in the gym all at once. Bet on what you like to do. It can be regular walks, just regular walks. It would be good to choose activities that do not strain your joints. It is worth consulting a physical therapist about this.

Diet after 50 – menu from the nutritionist

An adequate diet after fifty?

The menu should assume a calorie deficit. Let’s say your daily calorie requirement is 2,000. So, subtract 200-300 calories from that to lose weight systematically. It won’t be elementary for you to make a diet plan independently. After all, not everyone knows about the caloric content or the correct content of the appropriate ingredients in the diet.

You can buy ready-made menus online, but remember that they will not be adapted to you. A diet makes sense when it suits you completely. It’s essential to have your favorite foods on the menu – then there’s a good chance you won’t give up on what you want to eat.

The nutritionist will monitor your progress and, in losing extra pounds, will motivate and dispel doubts. He will also explain how to maintain your healthy habits ultimately.

Get enough sleep

Did you know that your body produces much more hunger hormones when you don’t get enough sleep? Yes, too little sleep can increase your appetite. Getting the right amount will not only help you fight the extra pounds, but it will also bring many other benefits. Also, take care of the quality of your sleep. Calm down, relax, read a book, meditate – this will help you sleep better. Don’t eat or hang out in front of a screen before bed.

Is it possible to lose weight after 50
Is it possible to lose weight after 50

Control your stress

It’s easy to say, “don’t worry.” Unfortunately, you are exposed to many stressful situations in your daily life. Despite the difficulties you often face, it is worth controlling stress. Physical exercise, relaxation techniques, and in many cases, therapy can help.

It is not necessary to decide to visit a psychologist regularly. Two visits and one emergency visit, for example, maybe enough. Be sure to take this into account, especially when you tend to “eat” stress.


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Julia Lange

The food industry has poorly educated people about nutrition: it is still tough to find healthy foods that taste good. Foods that make you feel good now do not make you healthy in the long run. A wise eater knows how to find the right balance between good for you and good for the world.

That's because the food industry is built on profits, not health. You wouldn't need a dietitian to tell you what to eat if they did. You would know yourself and your body well enough to figure out what made you feel good and what made you sick.

However, a revolution in dietetics has taken hold in recent years, based on a scientific understanding of nutritional science and evidence-based nutrition. In other words, it's based on research, not marketing. By taking just a dozen ingredients and matching them to your body's needs, you can achieve perfect nutrition:
- No more illness.
- No more cravings for unhealthy foods.
- No more self-indulgent eating binges that spoil everything.

If that revolution had been around when most people were growing up, our food choices would have been different from what they are now. That revolution is based on understanding why we get sick and what makes us feel good. If you want to eat well, you need to ask yourself these questions: Why do I get sick? What makes me feel good? What are the effects of eating this food on my body, health, and the world around me?