10 Healthy Eating Benefits

The benefits of healthy eating habits for the human body

Eating healthy foods has benefits beyond just weight loss. Eating healthy is associated with many health benefits, from increased energy to improved mood. Regardless of your goals, eating healthy can qualitatively improve your health and life in general.

the benefits of healthy eating
benefits of healthy eating

You will enjoy your meals more

Imagine trying to eat a purchased hamburger in your car. Now imagine cutting a salad with a fork. Which of these would take longer and make you slow down? You guessed it – salad. Eating clean means eating mindfully and savoring your food. It means improving your relationship with everything from radishes and carrots to muffins and donuts (which you probably won’t want anymore).

You will save money

Planning a healthy, clean meal for the week will be cost-effective if you make a list and stick to it since there’s no opportunity to overpay at the store. Say goodbye to medical bills and hospital bills if you get your nutrients from clean, real food. Also, buying local and in-season produce makes sense, and it’s cost-effective, too. And by giving up expensive restaurants and unhealthy takeout food, you’ll do a favor not only for your wallet but for your waistline as well. Want to save money on healthy eating? Take as much as you have leftover for lunch.

You will live longer

Imagine a breakfast consisting of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain porridge. Study after study shows that eating these foods can prolong your life.

A recent report in JAMA Internal Medicine found that every additional 28-gram serving of whole grains a day (choose cereals high in nutrients, such as millet and sorghum) is associated with a 5% reduction in risk of death from any cause.

healthy eating benefits
healthy eating benefits

And in a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, European scientists found that increasing consumption of these foods to 570 grams per day reduced the risk of mortality by 10%. Whenever possible, choose raw vegetables: In the same study, they were associated with a 16% reduction in mortality.

Your relationships will improve

Cooking clean food takes time, just the kind of time that allows for easy and relaxed interaction with children, spouse, other family members, and friends. If they are too busy watching TV to spend time at the stove, remind them of the irrefutable fact that good health comes from home cooking. People who cook dinner six to seven times a week consume 137 fewer calories a day than those who cook once a week or less and 16 grams less sugar. At the same time, it will improve home comfort.

You will get smarter

A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and nuts improves mental acuity and memory by 24%, a study published in the spring 2015 issue of Neurology proved. Our brains have also been shown to function better with nutrients such as omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids, while they are sputtered and slowed down when blood sugar and alcohol, fast food substances, and animal fats are brought in.

If all this is too difficult to comprehend, remember the important message: a balanced diet improves brain health.

You will have more energy

Adam and Eve were on to something when they bit into an apple: Fruit is just one of many pure foods that provide an instant burst of energy. High-fiber fruits, such as apples, take longer to digest and can instantly relieve an afternoon slump in energy by delivering a dose of vitamins for the evening ahead.

Other energizing foods include almonds, eggs, cabbage, citrus fruits, and one glass of water.

Your sexual life will improve

Women living in Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean have healthier sex lives than those living in the United States because of components of their diets-namely, vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil. These are the results of a comprehensive study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

healthy food
healthy food

You will help the planet survive

There is an oft-cited statistic that in the United States, food travels approximately 1,500 miles from farmer to consumer. By eating local and seasonal foods, as Clean Eating recommends, you will help reduce your carbon footprint on the planet.

Do you want to make even more of an impact?

Try eating a vegetarian diet several times a week. Although you can’t completely give up meat, fish, and poultry, a vegetarian diet (including eggs and dairy products) helps save the cost of raising animals.

As the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported in 2003, “the main threat to the future survival and natural resources of the United States is rapid population growth,” and “a dairy-vegetarian diet is more sustainable than the average American meat-based diet. Clean food helps the planet stay green.

You will become stronger

Lean protein, part of a clean eating philosophy, helps build lean muscle mass and speeds up the metabolism. This was shown by a study presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the Obesity Society. Muscle-healthy foods (in addition to animal products such as chicken, fish, and lean beef) include chickpeas, nuts, spinach, and seeds.

And finally, you’ll be happier

Food and mood go hand in hand. And the better the food, the better your mood. If you need to brighten up your day, choose berries, bananas, coffee, chocolate, turmeric, plant proteins, and oil (unsaturated fatty acids), all of which have been proven to improve mental well-being.

Try to improve your life with healthy food!


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/resources-publications/benefits-of-healthy-eating.html
  2. https://www.midcoasthealth.com/wellness/newsletter/the-benefits-of-healthy-eating-pg415.aspx
  3. https://www.who.int/initiatives/behealthy/healthy-diet
  4. https://health.gov/myhealthfinder/topics/health-conditions/diabetes/eat-healthy
  5. https://health.mo.gov/living/wellness/nutrition/nutritionphysicalactivity/
  6. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/keep-active-eat-healthy-feel-great

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Julia Lange

The food industry has poorly educated people about nutrition: it is still tough to find healthy foods that taste good. Foods that make you feel good now do not make you healthy in the long run. A wise eater knows how to find the right balance between good for you and good for the world.

That's because the food industry is built on profits, not health. You wouldn't need a dietitian to tell you what to eat if they did. You would know yourself and your body well enough to figure out what made you feel good and what made you sick.

However, a revolution in dietetics has taken hold in recent years, based on a scientific understanding of nutritional science and evidence-based nutrition. In other words, it's based on research, not marketing. By taking just a dozen ingredients and matching them to your body's needs, you can achieve perfect nutrition:
- No more illness.
- No more cravings for unhealthy foods.
- No more self-indulgent eating binges that spoil everything.

If that revolution had been around when most people were growing up, our food choices would have been different from what they are now. That revolution is based on understanding why we get sick and what makes us feel good. If you want to eat well, you need to ask yourself these questions: Why do I get sick? What makes me feel good? What are the effects of eating this food on my body, health, and the world around me?